Summer 2024
Hi and thanks so much for stopping by my website!

We are just starting summer here in the Chicago area, and the summer is already off to a very hot start (as it is in many parts of the world)!  Let’s hope for some relief on that front so that we can all be safe, wherever you are in the world.

Music classes and composing, composing, composing are keeping me very busy these days!  I continue to learn a great deal through all my composition classes and immediately work on incorporating that knowledge and those techniques into my new music.  I am working away on a new Healing/Sleep/Meditation CD that is coming along and still hope to release this summer.  I know there are tons of this type of music out there, so, of course, I need this to be something a little bit different, which is what I am going for….we will see how it all progresses over the next month!  I also have many new New Age type songs emerging on a daily basis so have started another folder of all those songs and will look to produce a new New Age album, hopefully by the fall sometime this year.  

I recently composed 2 pieces for a local music club I am part of (the Hinsdale Music Club, in Hinsdale, IL) and the performances are now up on YouTube so I have added them to my website here in the Videos tab so you can take a listen!  Since so many modern-day composers both compose and produce their music on their computers these days, a number of my composing friends asked me what it was like to work with Live performers.  I told them it was a great experience as I know I need to be quite detailed and explicit on everything in the actual written sheet music for the performers for things like dynamics and tempo changes, even bowing instructions for the string players, etc.  These are relatively easy things to do inside of our computers today so now I better understand how specific we as composers need to be with the scores for Live players - great learning for me as I’d like to keep working on music for Live performances.

So Thanks again for stopping by, and I hope you have a wonderful (and not TOO hot of) a summer!

Peace and Love,

Just one last note: if you are not a subscriber to my website, you may want to sign-up (just look to the Right on this page) as I give away one FREE download song each time I send out my Newsletter (generally quarterly), so if you are interested, please sign up!  

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